Thursday, September 13, 2018

September 13, 1996

Today marks 22 years since we lost a great rapper, poet, actor, record producer, screenwriter, activist and writer. 

Tupac recorded over 713 songs. He starred in 7 films from 1991 until 1996. He sold 75 million records. Had 9 Platinum albums all by the age of 25. He accomplished so much in his lifetime and in my book he's the G.O.A.T. 

Tupac Shakur was and still is a beautiful and talented soul.

A rose that grew from concrete

As I mention, earlier in the week. I was first introduced to him at an early age. At the time in my life I was experiencing a lot of difficult things and his music and writings helped me get through those difficult times and my teenage years. 

To see a man like Tupac rise and over come his surroundings and things that he experienced I knew I could too. I knew the things I was experiencing and going through were only tempory.

Tupac's song 'Keep ya head up' was released in 1993. However I didn't first hear it until 1997 when I was 11 years old. It was the end of Summer and I remember I was nervous about starting a new school. I'll never forget I was in my room cleaning and it came on the radio. To hear, "Keep ya head up, ooh child things are gonna get easier" was so liberating to hear. At the time, I didn't know what effect that song would have on my life. I just thought it sounded good and it made me feel good. Little did I know it would make a big impact in my life. Every time I was down or discharge I would listen to that song. Still to this day over 20 years later when I'm feeling down or if I'm stressed I play "Keep ya head up".

"I am a delicate rose. Although I came from concrete, I am just as beautiful and unique as the ones that grow in the field." -QueenieKeisha

Man, that song has got me through some trying times and still does. When I'm listening to it my two K's will come and dance with me. They have no idea who Tupac is or what his lyrics are but what I do want to teach them is no matter what Mama has their back and things are definitely going to get easier.

Tupac has been a big influence in my life so you will definitely see a lot of his style and inspirations from him in our shop.

My Two K's are sporting our Tupac inspired red bandanas that will be available in our shop.

I've been working hard on making tons of bandanas for our shop. For behind the scene and a peak of what I'm currently working on follow us on Instagram @mytwoks 

Outtie! ✌🏾

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